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The Field guide

Makenna Myler
Dec 2, 20227 min read
Sync Your Training Cycle w/ Your Menstrual Cycle
Let's talk about EVERY phase of your cycle, and why your speed/endurance/strength may actually benefit from menstruation.

Makenna Myler
Nov 4, 20223 min read
13 Tips to Run Through PMS Bloat
Ursula. Spongebob's driving instructor. Any aquatic sea creature that puffs up when she's angry and stressed. That's how I've always felt...

Makenna Myler
Oct 4, 20225 min read
3 Things Exhausting You During Your Period
All my adolescent and young adult life I just thought I was somebody who would always have Atomic Bomb periods. My workouts were shot, my...

Makenna Myler
Aug 26, 20222 min read
Mastering Menstruation - The Pattern of Female Performance
You perform better when you have a tampon in than when you don’t. And don’t let any man, woman or child with a textbook tell you...

Makenna Myler
Aug 26, 20227 min read
Losing Your Period - Is a Faster 5k Really Worth It?
Short-Term Solutions, Long-Term Problems My nephew and I sat by a dying fire during a cold, fall campout. It was late and he was...

Makenna Myler
Aug 26, 20222 min read
Mastering Menstruation - An Intro
Ever been killing workouts like Serena, then get destroyed in competition two weeks later even without bleeding? Ever wondered how in the...
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